
On behalf of Noah's Temple Free Church of God in Christ in Jesus name, we would like to welcome first time visitors as well as those who attend weekly. Know that God has "A WORD" for you. We thank you all for your commitment to help us spread the good new of Jesus Christ and we encourage you to hold on to faith and let God complete his work in you. 


At Noah's Temple we believe that a church should be there for their community. We make every effort to serve our community. Along with our weekly church services every Saturday at 11AM, we offer a monthly food back, prayer teams, counseling, free Bibles and more.

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Meet Our Team

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Louisa Kelly

Marketing Director

Alvin Maxwell

Technical Manager

On behalf of Noah’s Temple Free Church of God in Christ in Jesus name, we would like to welcome first time visitors as well as those who attend weekly. Know that God has “A WORD” for you. We thank you all for your commitment to help us spread the good new of Jesus Christ and we encourage you to hold on to faith and let God complete his work in you

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